ESA’s Education Office Now Recruiting Students to Train for Testing, Designing, and ‘Driving’ Spacecraft

ESA’s Education Office is calling for applications for two ESA Academy opportunities that are now open: the Ladybird Guide to Spacecraft Operations Training Course 2019 and the Cubesat Hands-On Training Week 2019, both to be held at ESA Academy’s Training and Learning Facility in ESEC-Galaxia, Belgium, during September of 2019.

Photo of students from the Students from Ladybird Guide to Spacecraft Operations Course in 2017. Image is courtesy of ESA.

Ladybird Guide to Spacecraft
Operations Training Course 2019

Description: ESA’s Education Office is offering 30 university students the opportunity to participate in the fifth edition of the Ladybird Guide to Spacecraft Operations Training Course and to learn about the fascinating world of spacecraft operations. This 4-day course without excessive mathematics or technical jargon will take place from September 3 to 6, 2019 and will show students how ‘driving’ a spacecraft is different from designing it.
Open to: Bachelor, Master and PhD engineering and physics students.
Application Deadline: July
16, 2019

Access this direct link for more information about the training course and how to apply…

Students performing experiments on their ESAT model. Image is courtesy of ESA.

CubeSats Hands-On Training Week 2019

Description: ESA’s Education Office is inviting 26 motivated university students to participate in the second edition of the CubeSats Hands-On Training Week, to be held from 16 to 20 September 2019. During this 5-day training week, students will learn about small satellite design and testing through lab sessions delivered by Theia Space using a CubeSat training model (ESAT), which will be complemented by technical lectures delivered by ESA experts. This training week is especially suitable for students who are involved in a CubeSat project or would like to be.
Open to: Bachelor, Master and PhD engineering students.
Application Deadline: August
2, 2019

Access this direct link for more information about the training week and on how to apply…

Posted in News.