Sierra Remote Observatories (SRO) is an observatory dedicated to remote data acquisition and imaging. Our clients include space industry professionals and astronomers, who place their telescopes in our observatories for a variety of reasons, such as satellite tracking or the study of variable stars. We provide the infrastructure and excellent conditions so they can focus on data acquisition. Our site was chosen for its exceptional characteristics, such as 1-arcsecond seeing, 237 photometric night each year, average wind speeds of only 1 mph, excellent darkness at 22 magnitudes/square arcsecond, no summer monsoons and only rare thunderstorms. Internet connections are fiber optic. In addition to having excellent seeing conditions, SRO’s location is unique in being only an hour from a major metropolitan area, making access to the facility and to expert personnel unusually easy. With excellent seeing, robust infrastructure and accessibility, SRO is an excellent choice for space industry professionals and astronomers.

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Event Contacts

Name Keith B. Quattrocchi Mel Helm
Title Managing Owner Managing Owner
Tel 530-401-0643 559-977-7904
Cell 530-401-0643 559-977-7904
Posted in Exhibitor.