C6 Launch Systems Inc. has successfully completed a Canadian Space Agency (CSA) funded research and development project that paves the way for next-generation, low-cost space communications for smallsat rockets.
Named C6 STARS™ (Space Transmission and Reception System), the system was developed on time with a $71,990 Space Technology Development Program (STDP) contribution from the CSA. As a result, C6 Launch was able to expand the scope of the project to develop a comprehensive test plan for this critical technology, to move even closer to the development and commercialization of their smallsat rocket.
C6 Launch expects to move to the next phases of commercializing C6 STARS with additional system evaluation during a planned engine Static Integration Test (SIT) in the fall of this year and further testing planned to take place at the CSA’s David Florida Laboratory in Ottawa. Subject to those milestones, C6 STARS will provide communications capability with the initial suborbital launch scheduled for late 2021 and the first orbital launch in mid-2022.
Daniel McCammon, Co-founder and VP Technology, C6 Launch, relayed that with C6 STARS, the compabeen able to demonstrate the reality of a low-cost, high-gain, compact space-grade communications systems for small-sat rockets from the launch pad to LEO for payload delivery. The support of the Government of Canada and the Canadian Space Agency was instrumental in achieving this milestone.”
An interim presentation delivered by C6 Launch at the International Aerospace Congress (IAC) 2019 in Washington D.C., received considerable interest from the space community.