Photo courtesy NSLComm

AAC Clyde Space will be providing one 6U satellite and services, with a total value of approximately 15 MSEK (GBP 1.2 million) to the Israeli company, NSLComm, which also appointed AAC Clyde Space as their “preferred supplier” in its planned satellite constellation.
AAC Clyde Space delivered a 6U satellite to NSLComm during 2019 that carries a 60-centimeter dish antenna, and has achieved most of its mission goals, and is communicating at all frequencies. The new satellite, NSLSat-2, is the first satellite of an intended commercial constellation.

AAC Clyde Space will manufacture, launch, commission, operate the satellite and deliver a ground segment software solution. The satellite is planned to launch in Q3 2021.
AAC Clyde Space CEO Luis Gomes said that NSLComm is spearheading high throughput communication from nanosatellites. They are delighted to partner with them in this project, taking nanosatellite-based services even further.