The total investment for the satellite (Ovzon-3) including manufacturing, launch, financing and insurance is estimated to approximately SEK 1.5 billion. The satellite will feature a central, On-Board Processor (OBP), developed by Ovzon and already in manufacturing by a third party, tied to high performance steerable beams. With the new satellite, Ovzon will significantly increase the performance and coverage area of its existing service. The satellite is expected to be completed in 2021 and the launch period with SpaceX has been adjusted accordingly. The contract is conditional on Ovzon raising financing.
Executive Comments
Per Wahlberg, CEO of Ovzon, said the satellite will enable new functionality such as single hop communication between very small terminals and will be a powerful future-proof tool to meet challenging communications requirements. The company now continues to strive to further revolutionize mobile broadband via satellite by offering the highest bandwidth through the smallest terminals.
Dario Zamarian, Group President of SSL, added that the company’s collaboration with Ovzon underscores the demand for a new class of communication satellite that is flexible, affordable and highly advance. SSL brings the innovation and heritage required to help Ovzon deliver a new class of mobile broadband service to its customers.